Thursday, August 28, 2008

Shit happens?

Today started out well... but then shit happens. I have been doing an experiment since yesterday and at the final step, at about 6pm, the machine (a large centrifuge, which was service not two weeks ago) suddenly died on me. I couldn't even retrieve my samples for it was locked inside the damn thing. Thus, I am forced to leave it until an engineer could get it opened, which could by tomorrow or next week. Either way, my samples are f***ked. That's £100 down the drain, not counting the time and effort I had spent.

If the machine had died earlier in the day I wouldn't have thought it to be anything but a bad day at work. But when it had to die just when I was finishing, and when there is no one around to help me, I'm thinking I just might have the worst luck in the world.

I want to scream.