Thursday, October 09, 2008

The Best Longest Sojourn Chapter 1 Quotes

While waiting for the next step in doing work (and making myself feel better after yesterday's episode), I reread the first chapter of TLS. My! The hilarity! So hence I decided that I should share with you my favourite quotes from this chapter. This is why I love TLS so much!

Page 2
Jaeger: “By th’ way, why are you doin’ on th’ ground, Kingy? Waita minnit! Those are spirit bonds! I declare! You’ve been messin’ with a death priest, Kingy!”
Tytus: “My! How nice of you to notice!”

Page 5
Daenon: “Have you two completely lost your wits? Because you have to be lacking in something if you want me to conduct something like this!”

Page 7
Daenon: “I don’t respond well to threats, Tytus!”
Tytus: “Maybe not, but hopefully you’ll respond better to the lack of air, eh, Master Daenon?”

Page 8
Tytus: “Oh my dear, sweet Magara! Death cannot keep us apart. I’ll dinf a way to bring us together… I promise!”
Daenon: (thinking) Why not just kill yourself and make things easier for the rest of us, you stubborn fool?”

Page 9
Daenon: (thinking) This would be almost amusing if it were not so unnecessarily cruel…

Page 10
Thorne: “I’m just not worth it!”
Daenon: (thinking) Now that is a person who values his life cheaply!

Page 13
Tytus: “What kind of unholy Calderan noise is this?!”

Page 14
Keenan: Thorne! You’re alive!”
Thorne: “Yeah well, uh should I have played dead or something?”

Page 15
Tytus: “Don’t just stand there… Kill him! Off with his head!”

Page 17
Tytus: “Pull his beard out – hair by hair!”
Daenon: “You are sick! Do you know that?!”

Page 20
Tytus: “… We had them cornered…”
Jaeger: “We?”
Tytus: “All right! My guards!”

Page 22
Thorne: “… Why are you back in the moat? Did you fall in?”
Daenon: “No, I decided to go for another dive! Of course I fell in! Did you think I’d find one drenching so invigorating that I would go for another?”

Page 25
Keenan: (thinking) Me? Just a pretty boy? Hmmph! (Tytus then yells in a fit of rage.)
… A petrified pretty boy, maybe?

Tytus: “ I want them beheaded! Decapitated! With heads chopped off!”

Page 26
Tytus (on being accused of having an attitude like King Fischer of Caldera): “…and I am not one bit like that vicious, avaricious, tyrant!”
Somewhere in The Empire of Caldera…
Fischer: “I do know all about that Sojournan king… and I’m not one bit like that bloodthirsty tyrant!”

Page 27
Tytus: “All Right! I accept your proposition! Just… SHUT UP!”

Page 28
Daenon (to Thorne): “Do you mean to tell me you fought your own guards, jumped from a high tower into a lizard infested moat, then ridden all this way… and yet you are not sure I if you want to live?”

Page 33
Mercenary 1: “I know where ee’s gwoing! Let’s gwo!”
Wilye (to Jaeger): “Well, gotta go, sweetcheeks! Let me know if ya want a job!”

Page 34
Jaeger (on realising what the Bloody Brigades was after): “D’oh! That’s mah job they’re after!”

Page 37
Mercenary 2: (to Thorne) “Come on, Blondie! Drop it!”
Thorne: “The name is Thorne!”

Page 38
Mercenary (on his broken bow): “Dang! And eet wuz ma fav’ret bow too!”

Daenon: (thinking) I had better give Thorne a hand… even if that imbecile doesn’t need it or deserve it either!

Page 40
Mercenary 2 (on which target to shoot first): Blond or brunette… decisions…

Page 41
Thorne: (to Daenon) “Now if you could do that, why didn’t you do that earlier instead of that fancy somersault thing?”
Daenon: (thinking) Picky… picky…

Page 46
Jaeger: (thinking) If he thinks he can outrun a warbeck, he’s dumber than he looks!”

Thorne: (thinking) Cornered! I’ll have to fight that armour-plated chobeck!
Fiddy: I heard that!

Now if you haven't read TLS, go and read it now!


Ping @ Phalanx said...

Reading all these makes me nostalgic. I really had an odd sense of humour back then...

Moshunter said...

Odd? That'll make two of us then! I still think it's hilarious. I love it!